Maybe, they put this out there, the work stoppage, to set up the apostates into publishing "lies".
I was thinking the same thing K. We've been set up.
ok, i didnt think anything about it.
but last night some friends from across the city called me up and said that the co was visiting their hall and in his talk he said that the society is getting geared up for a massive kingdom hall and assembly hall construction project worldwide next year.
they told the publishers; "get ready".
Maybe, they put this out there, the work stoppage, to set up the apostates into publishing "lies".
I was thinking the same thing K. We've been set up.
advance directives are complex legal instruments and widely misunderstood by both physicians and their patients.
with most jehovah's witnesses their is a significant level of misinformation, and in many cases coercion or undue influence exerted on the patient.
physicians need to be aware of this and always meet privately with the patient to educate them and then ascertain their true wishes.
ok, i didnt think anything about it.
but last night some friends from across the city called me up and said that the co was visiting their hall and in his talk he said that the society is getting geared up for a massive kingdom hall and assembly hall construction project worldwide next year.
they told the publishers; "get ready".
The reality is in order for the money to keep coming in they need to tell the members their building, but of course we knowDesirousOfChange
It's my understanding that the announcement concerning the halt in construction was only given at Bethel, and nothing was said to the local Congs
So we're the only ones who know besides the GB and Bethelites? WTF
advance directives are complex legal instruments and widely misunderstood by both physicians and their patients.
with most jehovah's witnesses their is a significant level of misinformation, and in many cases coercion or undue influence exerted on the patient.
physicians need to be aware of this and always meet privately with the patient to educate them and then ascertain their true wishes.
I noticed that the blood card says something like, "Might accept some blood fractions"
So what is a jw patient to do if the doctor says; "Which fractions will you accept?"
That been a current question some JWs are asking. "Which fractions are OK besides Albumin which I believe is listed on the card.
ok, i didnt think anything about it.
but last night some friends from across the city called me up and said that the co was visiting their hall and in his talk he said that the society is getting geared up for a massive kingdom hall and assembly hall construction project worldwide next year.
they told the publishers; "get ready".
Ok, I didn’t think anything about it. But last night some friends from across the city called me up and said that the CO was visiting their Hall and in his talk he said that the Society is getting geared up for a massive Kingdom Hall and assembly hall construction project worldwide next year. They told the publishers; "GET READY"
He encouraged those with skills and young brothers to be ready to say the words;
(Isaiah 6:8) . . .“Here I am! Send me.”
Those that can’t volunteer, if they want to support Jehovah’s work, they can show their loyalty by donating money on a regular basis, for construction work, APART from what they pledge for the Kingdom Hall.
I hung up and laughed.
Then I saw a post by wifibandit today that confirms what this brother told me last night.
What is going on?
I thought the WT has stopped all construction.
just got a peak at the 2016 calendar and i cannot tell you how much it bothered me.
it's all about constructing new kh and assembly halls, which is completely ironic given that the construction stopped almost worldwide.obviously this is proof that the borg is shifting from a magazine publisher to a real estate conglomerate, no wonder they're getting rid of 12 issues of magazines all together.. now, while the pdf of this is not up on the site yet, i will post confirmation as soon as it becomes available.
weather that is by legitimate means or other wise..
if jw`s come knocking at your door, do you open it & engage in conversation, tell them to sod off, or just not answer the door?.
my husband`s has asked me not to answer the door to them if he isn't here?
he hate`s the fact that they make a point of calling when they know he will be at work.
I check to see if I still have enough tape and plastic sheets.
we all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
I've seen plenty of comments from that Thomas Rook Jr. He seems to be on the brink of throwing the towel. He criticizes the org heavily but still feels is Jehovahs Org.
Hey, that was me a few years ago.
Wait till he goes through hell. ---TTATT!
we talk a lot about most jws being uneducated, uninformed, and that they lack critical thinking skills, but in my area there is a lot of jws that went to the university, medical school, law school, and came back to the organization.
in my circuit, that i know of, we had two electrical engineers, one computer engineer with a ph.d. eight teachers with a bachelors degree and three of those with a masters in education.
we had two medical doctors, one was a pediatrician who closed his business about 3 years ago and went to bethel.
when discussing why we 'knew' we had the truth, a born-in person with a PhD, a scientist no less, did not focus on anything concrete, like doctrine. He basically pointed to nebulous things, like “the brotherhood..
.Even then, I could see other organizations that could claim much the same things and that the JWs were not unique in this.
we all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
In the comments section, you can tell who is waking up and who is not.
Waking up;
I just wish there were logical, rational explanations that came with such news ... so we would know WHY something is happening !It is a basic upscaled intranet to centralize needed WT data stores into one datacenter. Under pretense of an "improvement" imo, but probably comes with a nice loan package as well. Why now we may wonder.
Deep in a coma;
Great news, Jehovah's chariot is on the moveEstella FerdinThis is wonderful and no doubt to further kingdom interests!